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Emergency Support

Are you experiencing something you need a hand with?

We know that sometimes the day can seem a lot less dark by simply having someone to willing to listen, but that too many of us are lacking a support network that understands what being an artist is really like.  As artists ourselves we have seen it all and as we have lost too many loved ones already we created our award winning* Wellbeing First Responder program to ensure that no artist ever finds themselves without somewhere to turn.  Whether it is just a quick question on unpaid invoices or even short term support to access professional counselling or file formal reports we provide an ear and a shoulder to lean on to help you get what you need to get back to being you.  You can reach out through e-mail or Facebook Messenger and we can provide guidance or advice on your situation or help you connect with specialist services to get you the support you deserve.  Please note that this is a completely free service available to all artists, we beleive cost should never prevent anyone taking their first steps to getting help.


But if you are distressed, in crisis or find yourself in immediate need of support please do seek help from a trusted medical professional or one of the below support lines.

Support Act Wellbeing Helpline:  1800 959 500

Available 24/7


Lifeline:  13 11 14

Available 24/7


CASA House:  03 9635 3610

Available 24/7


Blue Knot:  1300 657 380

9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Sunday


Emergency Services:  000

Available 24/7

Please call Emergency Services if yours or someone else's

life is in danger.

Success! Message received.


Address: PO Box 1019

              VIC 3071


*Winner of Lux Life Managazine's Hospitality Award for Best Artist Wellbeing Specialist in Australia 2020

  with special distinction for our Wellbeing First Responder program and efforts throughout the 2020 COVID pandemic



PO Box 1019

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© 2023 by Cherri On Top

ABN - 14 228 425 379 

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Events Management and ArtistWellbeing
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